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Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

This Is How To Make A Team Brainstorming Session Effective

This Is How To Make A Team Brainstorming Session Effective | Consultancy Matters |

If you want to hold brainstorms that unearth better, more creative ideas, it all starts with the number of people in the room.


That’s my first tip for you: Follow the “pizza rule” for brainstorming. If you’re unfamiliar with the “pizza rule,” it’s the idea that if you have more people in a room than you could feed with a pizza, there are too many people in that room to hold a productive meeting.


The same rule goes for a brainstorming session: If you’ve got a dozen people sitting around a table, expect a really long list of truly mediocre ideas.


So, what else can you do other than bribe a group of two to six people with pizza to unearth good ideas? So glad you asked.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Squashing bad ideas could lead people to fear speaking up, missing out on good ideas as a result. But if you’re giving every idea equal due regardless of merit, then you get off-track real fast and end up down a bad idea rabbit hole.

anthonysimcoe's curator insight, March 19, 2018 5:03 PM

You can’t always pull creativity out of thin air, but you can design situations that foster creative ideas.

ebohemians's comment, March 21, 2018 5:10 AM
Andrea Ross's curator insight, March 27, 2018 6:21 AM

As a High D/I on the DiSC model I've always loved a good brainstorming session. Nice little article to get you thinking and perhaps change things up a little in the boardroom. Also check out Edward De Bono's 6 Thinking Hats book - fast and effective way to problem solve involving brainstorming that you might also like to read. Have a great week ahead. 

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

6 Signs to Instantly Identify Someone With True Leadership Skills

6 Signs to Instantly Identify Someone With True Leadership Skills | Consultancy Matters |

What are the defining attributes of great leaders? That's the age-old question thought leaders and scholars galore have been attempting to answer in mountains of books and literature. 


While great leadership, to an extent, can be personal and subjective to the follower, there are universal principles you can't argue with (but you can try). Speaking of those thought leaders and scholars, here are six traits that keep surfacing over and over again in the leadership literature and best-sellers.

1. They challenge their own assumptions.

Great leaders may be smart and know a lot, but they are humble enough to recognize there are smarter people in the room that they can learn from. They don't restrict themselves from opinions and input outside of their own. They surround themselves with diverse perspectives to help them answer questions like, "How do I know my decision is the right one?" or "Is there a better course of action here?"

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Great leaders may be smart and know a lot, but they are humble enough to recognize there are smarter people in the room that they can learn from. They don't restrict themselves from opinions and input outside of their own. They surround themselves with diverse perspectives to help them answer questions like, "How do I know my decision is the right one?" or "Is there a better course of action here?"

Paola Vanessa Vargas Contreras's curator insight, February 1, 2018 5:36 PM

The leadership is important at the moment to handle a business, therefore is crucial to identify what are the skills of a true leadership

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's curator insight, February 2, 2018 1:45 PM

Interviewing Manager Candidates is without a doubt the most important job any high level executive can do. 


How can you determine if someone truly has stellar leadership capabilities, and the skills needed to take your company to the next level?


Thanks to human behavior analysts, we have some solid indicators that if you pay attention, can give you some insights into a candidates strengths, and weakness.


Can you guess which 6 signs indicate a persons leadership abilities?

Ian Berry's curator insight, February 2, 2018 4:27 PM
Good 6 I reckon
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

4 Ways To Help Employees Find Meaning At Work

4 Ways To Help Employees Find Meaning At Work | Consultancy Matters |

Here’s a grim stat: More than half of your staff is ready to leave the company, finds a recent Gallup poll. Vacancies impact the productivity and bottom line of your company, but a survey from Globoforce’s Work Human Research Institute uncovered a reason people stick around. When asked the question, “What makes you stay at your company?” the number-one answer, representing 32% of respondents, was, “My job–I find the work meaningful.”


“Having a personal sense of meaning in one’s work was even more important than compensation, which ranked as the third most important reason for staying,” says Eric Mosley, CEO of Globoforce, a talent engagement software provider.


The trick is that meaning means different things to different people, says Becky Frankiewicz, president of the staffing and talent management provider ManpowerGroup North America. “Our NextGen Work research found that Boomers value being appreciated and recognized, younger people look for purposeful work that contributes to society, while people of all generations desire work that allows them to improve their skills and balance work and home,” she says. “Taking the time to find out what motivates your people individually is the first step to helping them find meaning in what they do.”

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Humans have a need for social connection, positive reinforcement, and self-actualization. If you treat employees like human beings, you get more productive, happier and more content employees who are free to do their best work. When the workplace treat employees like robots or widgets that’s when things fall apart.

Jerry Busone's curator insight, January 10, 2018 8:46 AM

“Take the time to find out what motivates your people individually will help them find meaning in what they do.” Talent is precious today ... hold on to talent .. redirect talent in areas where they can add value vs lose talent. ...

Jekabs borziys's curator insight, January 10, 2018 10:29 AM
Jerry Busone's curator insight, January 12, 2018 8:19 AM

Says it all From the article "

What makes you stay at your company?” the number-one answer, representing 32% of respondents, was, “My job–I find the work meaningful.” #workhappy #hellowork #adp


Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Do This Immediately After Messing Up To Regain Your Boss’s Trust Fast

Do This Immediately After Messing Up To Regain Your Boss’s Trust Fast | Consultancy Matters |

You’re sitting there at your desk with a pit in your stomach. You know you really blew it–and your boss does, too. Maybe you forgot to follow up with an important client and they chose someone else’s proposal. Maybe you didn’t prepare the right documents in time for a super-important meeting. Or a careless typo you made on a spreadsheet or purchase order led to an expensive mistake.


Whatever it is, your boss isn’t happy. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you don’t need to start job-searching. In fact, there are a few simple steps you can take right away to rebuild the trust you’ve lost–as quickly as humanly possible. Here’s what to do and when to do it.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

You’re sitting there at your desk with a pit in your stomach. You know you really blew it–and your boss does, too. Maybe you forgot to follow up with an important client or a careless typo you mistake. Whatever it is, your boss isn’t happy. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you don’t need to start job-searching. In fact, there are a few simple steps you can take right away to rebuild the trust you’ve lost–as quickly as humanly possible. Here’s what to do and when to do it.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, December 5, 2017 4:54 PM

This step-by-step action plan will help get you out of the doghouse–and on the right track going forward–after a major work screwup.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Secrets Of The Most Resilient People

Secrets Of The Most Resilient People | Consultancy Matters |

Some people just seem to bounce back from whatever life throws at them. Whether it’s illness, loss, or tragedy, they do the tough work of picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and carrying on—even when it seems impossible.


If you’ve ever thought, “I could never do that” when looking at one of these apparent “superheroes,” don’t be so sure. It’s actually possible to build resilience to make yourself better able to bounce back from even the most difficult times.


“It’s the ability to get back in the game after you’ve had some sort of failure. And indeed, we can learn to become more resilient,” says social scientist and leadership expert Frank Niles, PhD. Niles says there are a number of science-backed areas people can address to help them be more resilient.


Here are some ways you can shore up your “resilience bunker” to better prepare for when tough times strike.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Your ability to become and remain resilient is directly related to your emotional intelligence.

Right Step Consulting's comment, November 2, 2017 1:50 AM
Failing is the key to success.
CCM Consultancy's curator insight, November 12, 2017 12:35 AM

Several studies showed  having a sense of purpose beyond your occupation or everyday role  plays a big role in resilience.

Sharon Ruddleston's curator insight, February 7, 2018 12:16 AM
It takes "resilient leaders" to guide your organisation through difficult times. They're the leaders able to remain strong in the face of uncertainty, frequent setbacks and new challenges. Able to lead with calm, clarity and conviction amidst increasing complexity and accelerating change. How? They connect with a greater purpose.
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Why You Can Focus in a Coffee Shop but Not in Your Open Office

Why You Can Focus in a Coffee Shop but Not in Your Open Office | Consultancy Matters |

New research shows that it may not be the sound itself that distracts us…it may be who is making it. In fact, some level of office banter in the background might actually benefit our ability to do creative tasks, provided we don’t get drawn into the conversation. Instead of total silence, the ideal work environment for creative work has a little bit of background noise. That’s why you might focus really well in a noisy coffee shop, but barely be able to concentrate in a noisy office.


One study, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, found that the right level of ambient noise triggers our minds to think more creatively. The researchers, led by Ravi Mehta of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, examined various levels of noise on participants as they completed tests of creative thinking.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

The ideal space for focused work is not about freedom from noise, but about freedom from interruption.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 22, 2017 10:36 PM

Research suggests the problem isn’t the noise, but the interruptions.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

A 6-Year Study Reveals the Surprising Key to Team Performance (and 9 Ways to Enable It)

A 6-Year Study Reveals the Surprising Key to Team Performance (and 9 Ways to Enable It) | Consultancy Matters |

Psychologist John Gottman can predict whether or not a married couple will be together five years later with startling 90 percent accuracy. How does he do it?


He watches them argue.


The ability to engage in healthy, productive debate is not only essential for ensuring a long marriage--it's also the key determinant of high performing teams.


A recently released six-year study cites the ability to manage conflicting tensions as the most critical predictor of top-team performance. Berkeley research shows teams that debate their ideas have 25 percent more ideas altogether and that companies like Pixar embrace healthy debate as a vital part of their performance (in its case to make better films).


Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

A six-year study cites the ability to manage conflicting tensions as the most critical predictor of top-team performance. Berkeley research shows teams that debate their ideas have 25 percent more ideas altogether and that companies like Pixar embrace healthy debate as a vital part of their performance.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 11, 2017 5:37 PM

A recently reported six-year study revealed that high-performing teams need to be good at this (and it's not so easy).

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

16 bad habits that are sabotaging your productivity

16 bad habits that are sabotaging your productivity | Consultancy Matters |

Being more productive is about working smarter, not harder, and making the most of each day.


While this is no easy feat, getting more done in less time is a much more attainable goal if you’re not sabotaging yourself with bad habits.


Following are 16 things you should stop doing right now to become more productive.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Being more productive is about working smarter, not harder, and making the most of each day. While this is no easy feat, getting more done in less time is a much more attainable goal if you’re not sabotaging yourself with bad habits.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 3, 2017 5:55 PM

Getting more done in less time is an attainable goal if you’re not working against yourself with bad habits.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Try One Of These Eight Ways To Get Through The 3 p.m. Slump

Try One Of These Eight Ways To Get Through The 3 p.m. Slump | Consultancy Matters |

You can feel it start to happen–at first slowly, then all at once. You get a little bit tired and before you know it, you’re mindlessly scrolling your Facebook feed. You’re distracted and spent–you just can’t handle another minute of real work. You’ve hit the mid-afternoon slump.


“Most of us are sitting all day, staring at a computer screen highly focused… you can’t sustain that for long,” says internist Lorraine Maita, MD, author of How To Live Younger. “At about 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., your cortisol starts to drop.”


While our automatic reaction might be to reach for a bag of Sun Chips and watch a random YouTube clip,  those behaviors will only prolong the slump. You will be better off if you try to reset your body and mind to help you regain focus.  Maita recommends a number of activities, including listening to upbeat music or breathing deeply for a few minutes, to re-energize the body. Below are few more examples of how to get your focus back.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

You can feel it start to happen–at first slowly, then all at once. You get a little bit tired and before you know it, you’re mindlessly scrolling your Facebook feed. You’re distracted and spent–you just can’t handle another minute of real work. You’ve hit the mid-afternoon slump.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 21, 2017 7:37 PM

Candy bars and social media are just going to make you feel worse. Here are several solutions that will help you regain your focus.

emma's curator insight, September 21, 2017 11:26 PM
Re-energize with some of these simple proven energy renewal breaks... 
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

How to Spend the First 30 Minutes of Your Day to Maximize Productivity

How to Spend the First 30 Minutes of Your Day to Maximize Productivity | Consultancy Matters |

As entrepreneurs, we often work late into the night, only to roll out of bed the next morning, picking up where we left off. One day bleeds into the next, making it seem as if we're always doing, doing, doing and searching for new and novel ways to do more.


The truth is, your desire to do more and get more done will lead you not toward greater productivity, but toward burnout, if you don't take time each day to check in with yourself, and set your intention for how you want your day to proceed.



Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, "If I had six hours to cut down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the axe." There is no evidence to suggest that Lincoln actually said this, but the point is not lost on us. How we prepare to do the task before us determines our success.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

"The truth is, your desire to do more and get more done will lead you not toward greater productivity, but toward burnout, if you don't take time each day to check in with yourself in quiet contemplation of how to bring your best self forward. Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, "If I had six hours to cut down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the axe."

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 14, 2017 6:51 PM

How you spend your morning makes or breaks your day.

Lucero D's curator insight, September 15, 2017 8:24 AM
Well, I've just wasted my morning.  From the moment I get up my day begins with making sure everyone else has what they need to get out the door.  Even taking a few minutes to go the bathroom seems like an imposition.  The rest of the day I'm exhausted, can't focus and feel like all I'm doing is spinning my wheels.  Maybe there is something to caring for yourself first that will make the day go better.
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Report: Only 7% Of Workers Feel Productive During Regular Work Hours

Report: Only 7% Of Workers Feel Productive During Regular Work Hours | Consultancy Matters |

More of us are now awakening to the fact that workplaces are not quite the places of productivity that we hoped them to be. But that they are actually rife with distraction. Not to mention the painful hours of commuting tacked onto long days at the office.


All this can be avoided with a flexible work arrangement, and that's an option that many are seeking nowadays.


According to a recent FlexJobs survey on remote work, 66% of professionals believed that they would be more productive if they worked remotely - instead of at a traditional office. The reasons cited in favor of remote work? 76% wanted "fewer interruptions from colleagues and fewer distractions," 70% sought to "reduce stress from commuting," and 69% preferred to avoid "office politics."

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

"Many companies are now offering flexible work arrangements as a perk for new joiners. And if you can do the majority of your work with a laptop, you can even work for a company full-time from anywhere in the world."

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 5, 2017 7:09 PM

Some morning larks can churn out quality work in the early AMs, while others are the most energetic and creative during the unholy hours after midnight.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Hate Saying No? Here’s What To Say Instead

Hate Saying No? Here’s What To Say Instead | Consultancy Matters |

You have three outstanding assignments sitting on your desk, your phone is lighting up with texts from your roommate reminding you of that party you don’t want to attend, and then your boss swings by to ask if you can stay late to help out on seven other tasks that need finishing.


Before you can stop yourself, “Uh, sure! I mean, of course,” tumbles out of your mouth. You know full well that you’re unable to handle another thing, but there’s just something about saying no that’s almost impossible to do.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

For many, saying no can feel harsh. But learning to turn down a request is a crucial skill to master. It’s important to create boundaries out of respect for yourself, your time, and your energy–we truly can’t do it all.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, August 31, 2017 6:54 PM

You don’t have to feel guilty anymore.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

This Is The Link Between Employee Motivation And Their Manager’s Mental State

This Is The Link Between Employee Motivation And Their Manager’s Mental State | Consultancy Matters |

To effectively lead and motivate employees, you don’t need charisma and a grand vision. Research from Michigan State University (MSU) found that being a successful boss was more about mind over matter.


The study, published in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, found that a leader’s focus, or mind-set, affects his or her own behavior, which in turn affects employees’ motivation. And the good news is that your mind-set can be changed to produce certain outcomes from workers, from creativity to loss prevention.


“Effective leadership may be based in part on a leader’s ability to recognize when a particular mental state is needed in their employees and to adapt their own mental state and their behaviors to elicit that mind-set,” says Brent Scott, MSU professor of management and study coauthor. “Part of the story here is that you don’t have to be Steve Jobs to be an effective leader. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing.”


Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

The motivations of managers are contagious and ‘trickle down’ to their subordinates. The central phenomenon is what is called shadow of the leader.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, August 24, 2017 7:24 PM

Effective leaders don’t have to be charismatic, but a certain mind-set is required.

rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, August 25, 2017 12:10 AM
According to Brent Scott, MSU Professor of Managment, " effective leadership may be based on a leader's ability to recognize when a particular mental state is needed in their employees and to adapt their own mental state and their behaviours to elicit that mindset." Ideal leadership needs to be a judicious combination of the "Conservative Mindset and Innovative mindset". I would compare these two mindsets with the "Fixed mindset and Growth mindset". Fortunately, according to the writer of the article, mindsets can be changed!
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Lessons From Social Psychology To Apply In The Workplace

Lessons From Social Psychology To Apply In The Workplace | Consultancy Matters |

Running a successful organization requires lots of moving pieces running smoothly in tandem. At the heart of every organization are people just like you and me, whose performance can be influenced in a positive direction. Recently, companies like Google and Facebook have been redefining the standards of workplace culture, and in turn seeing improvements in employee satisfaction and company performance. Now, your company might not be large enough to have a dedicated HR (or “People Ops”) department, but there are some exciting takeaways from social psychology that you can apply to benefit your business.


Reciprocity Principle

Reciprocity is one of the famous “Six Principles of Persuasion” defined in Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.'s book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The idea is that we feel pressure to repay others for what they have given us or done for us. We often even give back more than we were initially given to minimize any guilt associated with the initial favor.


Founders and CEOs can use this to their advantage. Internally, this can help improve or repair work relationships, win over co-workers and build consensus. As Dr. Cialdini writes, reciprocity is so powerful that it can overcome feelings of suspicion or dislike toward the person who gives the gift or favor. As a small business owner, how about giving gifts or bonuses on holidays or birthdays? You could also offer to bring back coffee for the office or surprise your colleagues with breakfast or lunch. A kind gesture can go a long way.


Outside the office, the reciprocity principle can help you succeed in negotiations, build valuable business partnerships and win over investors — or even customers! When we launched our product and were at our first trade show full of retail managers and buyers, we realized that people only stopped at our booth if we handed them a free sample. So we handed samples to everyone who walked by! In turn, they stopped, listened to our pitch, and 99% of the time they placed an order for their store. In those first few hours, we sold over 100 cases into 100 new stores.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Reciprocity is one of the famous “Six Principles of Persuasion” defined in Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.'s book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The idea is that we feel pressure to repay others for what they have given us or done for us. We often even give back more than we were initially given to minimize any guilt associated with the initial favor.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, March 6, 2018 4:18 PM

Using the tools of social psychology can encourage personal and organizational success.

Dr. Helen Teague's curator insight, March 6, 2018 4:56 PM
From original scoop: "Running a successful organization requires lots of moving pieces running smoothly in tandem. At the heart of every organization are people just like you and me, whose performance can be influenced in a positive direction. Recently, companies like Google and Facebook have been redefining the standards of workplace culture, and in turn seeing improvements in employee satisfaction and company performance. Now, your company might not be large enough to have a dedicated HR (or “People Ops”) department, but there are some exciting takeaways from social psychology that you can apply to benefit your business. Reciprocity Principle Reciprocity is one of the famous “Six Principles of Persuasion” defined in Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.'s book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The idea is that we feel pressure to repay others for what they have given us or done for us. We often even give back more than we were initially given to minimize any guilt associated with the initial favor. Founders and CEOs can use this to their advantage. Internally, this can help improve or repair work relationships, win over co-workers and build consensus. As Dr. Cialdini writes, reciprocity is so powerful that it can overcome feelings of suspicion or dislike toward the person who gives the gift or favor. As a small business owner, how about giving gifts or bonuses on holidays or birthdays? You could also offer to bring back coffee for the office or surprise your colleagues with breakfast or lunch. A kind gesture can go a long way. Outside the office, the reciprocity principle can help you succeed in negotiations, build valuable business partnerships and win over investors — or even customers! When we launched our product and were at our first trade show full of retail managers and buyers, we realized that people only stopped at our booth if we handed them a free sample. So we handed samples to everyone who walked by! In turn, they stopped, listened to our pitch, and 99% of the time they placed an order for their store. In those first few hours, we sold over 100 cases into 100 new stores."
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

3 Ways to Improve Your Decision Making

3 Ways to Improve Your Decision Making | Consultancy Matters |

To make a good decision, you need to have a sense of two things: how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is. In other words, as Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb have written, decision making requires both prediction and judgment.


But how do you get better at either? We’ve published volumes on this subject —here are a few of my favorites — but there are three rules that stand out. Following them will improve your ability to predict the effects of your choices and assess their desirability.

Rule #1: Be less certain.

Nobel-prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman has said that overconfidence is the bias he’d eliminate first if he had a magic wand. It’s ubiquitous, particularly among men, the wealthy, and even experts. Overconfidence is not a universal phenomenon — it depends on factors including culture and personality — but the chances are good that you’re more confident about each step of the decision-making process than you ought to be.


So, the first rule of decision making is to just be less certain — about everything. Think choice A will lead to outcome B? It’s probably a bit less likely than you believe. Think outcome B is preferable to outcome C? You’re probably too confident about that as well.


Once you accept that you’re overconfident, you can revisit the logic of your decision. What else would you think about if you were less sure that A would cause B, or that B is preferable to C? Have you prepared for a dramatically different outcome than your expected one?


You can also practice aligning your level of your confidence to the chance that you’re correct. Try out quizzes like this one or this one. You’ll realize that while it’s not possible to always be right, it’s totally possible to become less overconfident.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

To make a good decision, you need to have a sense of two things: how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, January 23, 2018 4:41 PM

Great decision makers don’t follow these rules only when facing a particularly difficult choice; they return to them all the time. 

relativeadn's comment, January 25, 2018 1:03 AM
A Touch of Business's curator insight, January 28, 2018 4:37 PM

It's the decisions you make in your life that shape your life, why not better undersand the process?

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Why You Should Hire an Executive Coach (and What to Look For)

Why You Should Hire an Executive Coach (and What to Look For) | Consultancy Matters |

Behind every great athlete there is an even greater coach. There isn't a top athlete--from Muhammad Ali to Tiger Woods to Serena Williams--who did not need a mentor to help them reach the top of their profession.  


If you think about it, your business is similar to that of an elite athlete. You may have the drive, the skills, and the vision, but there are times when you need professional guidance to ensure you stay on the right path, and how to best utilize your talents and work on your shortcomings in order to reach your goals. An executive coach can be that person.


No matter where you are on your career path--from eager up-and-coming manager to a seasoned senior executive to an entrepreneur--there will be times when you can benefit from some professional coaching.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Behind every great athlete there is an even greater coach. There isn't a top athlete--from Muhammad Ali to Tiger Woods --who did not need a mentor to help them reach the top of their profession. your business is similar to that of an elite athlete and an executive coach can be that person.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, December 17, 2017 7:26 PM

Here's how to choose the best executive coach for your goals.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

How To Stay Healthy When You’re Stressed At Work

How To Stay Healthy When You’re Stressed At Work | Consultancy Matters |

Tis the season for stress. The holidays are crazy enough, but add in year-end deadlines and sales goals, performance reviews, and the news of yet another raise not given, and you can already feel your blood pressure rise. But there’s good news: You can still stay healthy, even when work is insane. It’ll just take a little extra effort.


“When stress takes over, often the first things to go are the ones we need the most–sleep, water, exercise, whole nutritious foods,” laments nutritionist Brigitte Zeitlin. “And that can actually compound the issue, leaving you less equipped to handle the stress well.”


Here’s exactly what you can do to keep that from happening before work gets really crazy.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

When you’re overloaded with work, you may not be thinking about taking a break. But getting just five minutes of fresh air can calm you–alleviating stress, and giving you the energy you need to get back to work.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, December 3, 2017 4:53 PM

Don’t let end-of-year stress compromise your health.

Trumans's curator insight, December 4, 2017 4:48 PM

An important message for this time of year...

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Secrets Of The Most Resilient People

Secrets Of The Most Resilient People | Consultancy Matters |

Some people just seem to bounce back from whatever life throws at them. Whether it’s illness, loss, or tragedy, they do the tough work of picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and carrying on—even when it seems impossible.


If you’ve ever thought, “I could never do that” when looking at one of these apparent “superheroes,” don’t be so sure. It’s actually possible to build resilience to make yourself better able to bounce back from even the most difficult times.


“It’s the ability to get back in the game after you’ve had some sort of failure. And indeed, we can learn to become more resilient,” says social scientist and leadership expert Frank Niles, PhD. Niles says there are a number of science-backed areas people can address to help them be more resilient.


Here are some ways you can shore up your “resilience bunker” to better prepare for when tough times strike.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Several studies showed  having a sense of purpose beyond your occupation or everyday role  plays a big role in resilience.

CCM Consultancy's curator insight, October 31, 2017 1:33 AM

Your ability to become and remain resilient is directly related to your emotional intelligence.

Right Step Consulting's comment, November 2, 2017 1:50 AM
Failing is the key to success.
Sharon Ruddleston's curator insight, February 7, 2018 12:16 AM
It takes "resilient leaders" to guide your organisation through difficult times. They're the leaders able to remain strong in the face of uncertainty, frequent setbacks and new challenges. Able to lead with calm, clarity and conviction amidst increasing complexity and accelerating change. How? They connect with a greater purpose.
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Stress Is Making You Micromanage, Which Is Making Everything Worse 

Stress Is Making You Micromanage, Which Is Making Everything Worse  | Consultancy Matters |

Are you a micromanager? You will probably say no. Maybe you self-deprecatingly call yourself a “control freak.” Or just “hands-on.” You just “care too much.”


And it’s true: You do feel a certain need for a sense of control over your work. You are responsible, after all–perhaps more responsible than some of your coworkers or direct reports. You’re afraid of mistakes and believe that if something needs to be done well, you’d better do it yourself. But this isn’t just because you’re an “independent self-starter” who holds their work to a high standard. It might be that, too, but it’s probably also because you’re feeling stressed.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Work-related stress is a likely culprit. When you feel overwhelmed, you worry that you don’t have a good handle on things–so what do you do? You tighten your grip on everything. The first step to loosening it up (and reducing your own stress in the process) is simply recognizing the impact that your micromanaging is having.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 17, 2017 5:46 PM

Ask yourself these four questions to break the vicious cycle.

Tom Wojick's curator insight, October 19, 2017 12:55 PM

 Micro-managing is a stress response. Understanding it from this perspective can create an opening to change. The stress response is activated by a perception that one's emotional, psychological and or physical safety is at risk. The three F's: fight, freeze and flee are the primary reactions - micro-managing fits into the fight reaction. A fear that one's professional status as a manager is at risk.

Jerry Busone's curator insight, October 30, 2017 8:07 AM

OVER SUPERVISING a bad habit from focusing on people and results and not their development level at tasks and goals to get there ...

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Three Work Tasks You Need To Cut From Your To-Do List Right Now

Three Work Tasks You Need To Cut From Your To-Do List Right Now | Consultancy Matters |

Some days you get to work early, work nonstop, and head home without being able to figure out what you actually accomplished. Everything rushes past you in a blur of emails, meetings, and errands, and your to-do list remains more or less untouched. You’re always going to have a few workdays like this no matter what you do. But if they start happening regularly, you may have a problem on your hands.


If that’s the case, then it’s time to start looking for systematic failures, not just one-off fumbles. And ironically enough, the best place to look may be at your to-do list itself. What better record do you have of the tasks that you’re consistently failing to achieve? These are a few common to-do list items that might be getting in the way of your more important goals. If you can cut them out–even just for a day or two–you may be able to regain your footing.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

"There’s such a flood of work to do that it’s hard to focus for long on just one thing. So you begin work on that major report, only to find yourself 20 minutes later flitting between your email, your text messages, and maybe two other tasks on top of that. You’re always going to have a few workdays like this no matter what you do. But if they start happening regularly, you may have a problem on your hands."

The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 8, 2017 5:35 PM

These are a few common to-do list distractions that get in the way of what you really need to get done.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Rethinking Hierarchy in the Workplace

Rethinking Hierarchy in the Workplace | Consultancy Matters |

Defined hierarchy. Commanding leadership. These corporate ligaments secure firms in the face of threats and unify them against competition. Few beliefs are more widely held in business.


The intuition, though, is wrong. “When you look at real organizations, having a clear hierarchy within your firm actually makes people turn on each other when they face an outside threat,” says Lindred Greer, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Effective teamwork against threats requires not hierarchy, but egalitarianism; not centralized power, but a culture in which all voices count.


Along with Lisanne van Bunderen of the University of Amsterdam and Daan Van Knippenberg of Drexel University, the research team teased out this finding through two complementary studies. In the first study, an experiment, teams of three students developed and pitched a consultancy project to a prospective client. Some of these teams were non-hierarchical, while members of other teams arbitrarily received titles: senior consultant, consultant, junior consultant. Likewise, some teams faced no rivals, while others were told they were competing with a rival firm for clients. The researchers found that the subset of hierarchical teams facing competition with rival firms struggled with infighting while the egalitarian teams cooperated on their work.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

Effective teamwork against threats requires not hierarchy, but egalitarianism; not centralized power, but a culture in which all voices count

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 26, 2017 6:51 PM

Flat structures, research shows, can create more functional teams.

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

What “Facilitation” Really Means And Why It’s Key To The Future Of Work

What “Facilitation” Really Means And Why It’s Key To The Future Of Work | Consultancy Matters |

What comes to mind when you hear the term “facilitator”? A task manager hogging airspace up at the front of the room? Or thoughts like, “Ugh–okay, how do I get out of attending this workshop?”


But done right, facilitation isn’t about boring presentations. It’s a process for getting groups of people together to solve any problem. Good facilitators know how to jump right in, establish an objective, create a format packed with interactive opportunities for discussion, and lead groups of all sizes toward constructive solutions. And you don’t need a specific job title or a certain amount of experience to become an effective facilitator–you just have to develop a set of skills that gives structure and purpose to the otherwise unruly art of collaboration.


As workplaces become less hierarchical and more reliant on interpersonal problem-solving, rather than just tactical execution, facilitation is becoming a job skill you’ll need to rely on more and more. Here’s what you need to know to get started developing it.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

As workplaces become less hierarchical and more reliant on interpersonal problem-solving, rather than just tactical execution, facilitation is becoming a job skill you’ll need to rely on more and more.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 17, 2017 6:48 PM

Being a good facilitator isn’t the same as knowing how to manage people or run a meeting. It all comes down to understanding the tools–and structure–that help people collaborate.

Ian Berry's curator insight, September 20, 2017 7:33 PM
There's no doubt in my mind that being able to facilitate collaboration is one of the key skills in the new world of work
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Without Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness Doesn’t Work

Without Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness Doesn’t Work | Consultancy Matters |

Mindfulness has become the corporate fad du jour, a practice widely touted as a fast-track to better leadership. But we suspect that not all the benefits laid at its feet actually belong there. Our research and analysis has revealed a complicated relationship between mindfulness and executive performance—one that is important for leaders to understand as they seek to develop in their careers.


Mindfulness is a method of shifting your attention inward to observe your thoughts, feelings, and actions without interpretation or judgment. A mindfulness practice often begins simply by focusing on your breath, noticing when your mind wanders, and then bringing it back to your breath. As you strengthen your ability to concentrate, you can then shift to simply noting your inner experience without getting lost in it at any point in your day. The benefits attributed to this kind of practice range from stronger relationships with others to higher levels of leadership performance.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

"Mindfulness practice helped an executive become more aware of his own high levels of anxiety. He realized that he had harshly high standards for himself at work, and held everyone else to these same rigid, perfectionistic expectations. By becoming aware of these tendencies, he also saw that while his workaholic ethic had gotten him his position, as a leadership strategy it no longer worked for him."

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 10, 2017 9:34 PM

The good and the bad of the latest corporate trend.

rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, September 11, 2017 1:24 AM
How could we have forgotten that Mindfulness does not work without Emotional Intelligence, according to this Harvard article! We bandy the word Mindfulness as if it is a magic word which will help boost flagging employee energy levels without realising that we did not consider Emotional Intelligence as an important factor.
Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

This Is Why Being A Morning Person Will Make You Better At Your Job

This Is Why Being A Morning Person Will Make You Better At Your Job | Consultancy Matters |

From having fewer bad habits to being proactive and procrastinating less often, the advantages of being a morning person have been well covered.


You could chalk it up to circadian rhythm, but it could be because morning people leverage the unique characteristics of the morning that help us all be at our best, says Josh Davis, author of Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done.


“People who get up early in the morning are hitting it out of the park, doing things we struggle with at other times of the day,” he says. “If we can be amazing at certain times of the day there must be associated psychological conditions. Morning offers several benefits that can’t be found at other times of the day.”


Shifting your schedule might take some adjustment, but it’s worth it. Here are four productivity-related advantages that naturally occur in the morning:

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

People who get up early in the morning are hitting it out of the park. Morning offers several benefits that can’t be found at other times of the day. Shifting your schedule might take some adjustment, but it’s worth it. Here are four productivity-related advantages that naturally occur in the morning.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 3, 2017 7:45 PM

Four science-backed reasons why you do your best work in the morning.

Michel Charvolin's curator insight, September 3, 2017 10:38 PM
Get a better deal for your international money exchange:
Jerry Busone's curator insight, September 4, 2017 9:47 AM

Hello all you morning people... good news...

Rescooped by CCM Consultancy from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

Five Simple Tips For Building A More Emotionally Intelligent Team

Five Simple Tips For Building A More Emotionally Intelligent Team | Consultancy Matters |

Getting smart people into your company is hard enough. Turning them all into great collaborators and risk-takers is even harder. Even on the most high-performing teams, coworkers don’t just openly share feedback and challenge each others’ ideas all on their own–managers need to create a culture that encourages this. And that usually requires building your team’s collective emotional intelligence. Here are a few straightforward (and entirely low-tech ways) to get started.

Via The Learning Factor
CCM Consultancy's insight:

The freedom to question the status quo and bring up new ideas can clear the way for building interpersonal connections that every emotionally intelligent person needs.

The Learning Factor's curator insight, August 29, 2017 9:17 PM

There’s no single hack for improving your team’s collective emotional intelligence. As a manager, it’s the small habits you perform and encourage that ripple outward.

Susanna Lavialle's curator insight, September 6, 2017 6:19 PM
Very good points...I am hoping to become a better manager in the future - and trying to inspire my team members to do their best every day