Review: Fujifilm Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 | Jordan Steele | Fujifilm X Series APS C sensor camera |

Overall, the Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 is a pleasant lens to use and a great option when you want the smallest possible package for your Fuji X camera.  It pairs especially well with the tiny X-M1, creating a very portable package capable of very good image quality. The 27mm f/2.8 is sharp at most any aperture, and while the edges are a little softer than the center, they are plenty sharp enough for most any use.  This little pancake controls chromatic aberrations and fringing extremely well, and I feel that overall image quality is quite good, though bokeh is rather unremarkable. Ultimately, if you want a very small lens with very good image quality in a nice all-purpose focal length, the XF 27mm f/2.8 will fit the bill quite nicely.  I was left wanting for a few things, however.  For the $450 asking price, I would have much rather seen a faster aperture, as an f/2.8 prime lens isn’t exactly a speed demon.  I would have much preferred this to be an f/2.0 or even f/2.4 lens given the price.  I also lament the loss of the aperture ring on the lens, though I somewhat understand its removal due to the limited space on the lens barrel.  I also ran into the lens’ minimum focus distance fairly regularly. I think for most users, the 35mm f/1.4 is a more useful lens, given the two full stops faster aperture, better bokeh and aperture ring, but if you prefer a little wider view and need the smallest lens you can get for the Fuji X system, then the 27mm is your lens......

Via Thomas Menk