iOS & macOS development
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iOS & macOS development
cool tips and source code for Cocoa, Swift and Objective-C
Curated by Alessio Nonni
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Using XCode 4 Snippets

Using XCode 4 Snippets | iOS & macOS development |

Recently, I came across this post and fell in love with the idea of using XCode 4 snippets. Up until I read the post, I had heard they existed, but never really tried them. After reading the post, I began using his snippets as well as started creating my own. Now, I would say that my work-flow is faster than ever.

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Flags: very useful when debugging with Instruments

Flags: very useful when debugging with Instruments | iOS & macOS development |

There is a very nice feature in Instruments that helps you to point your loupe to a very precise spot in your code.

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Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 2 | Ray Wenderlich

Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 2 | Ray Wenderlich | iOS & macOS development |

This is the second part of a two part tutorial series on using ARC in iOS 5.
In the first part of the series, we covered how ARC works and how to convert projects to use ARC with Xcode’s built in conversion utility.
In this second and final part of the series, we’ll cover how to convert files by hand, ARC as it relates to Core Foundation, weak properties, and much more!

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SVProgressHUD | iOS & macOS development |

SVProgressHUD is an easy-to-use, clean and lightweight progress HUD for iOS. It’s a simplified and prettified alternative to the popular MBProgressHUD. Its fade in/out animations are highly inspired on Lauren Britcher’s HUD in Tweetie for iOS. The success and error icons are from Glyphish.


✔ Sources:

Via Vincent Demay
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A very cool custom video camera with AVFoundation

A very cool custom video camera with AVFoundation | iOS & macOS development |

AVFoundation is a very cool framework that allows you to collect multimedia data generated by different input sources (camera, microphone, etc.) and redirect them to any output destinations (screen, speakers, etc.).

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Creating Custom Xcode 4 File Templates

Creating Custom Xcode 4 File Templates | iOS & macOS development |

When Xcode 4 was released about a year ago it introduced an entirely new Project and File Template syntax. This was initially frustrating to me as the new syntax invalidated all of the custom templates I had written for Xcode 3. However, the new template format has proven to be more flexible and capable and represents an improvement over the old format. Now that Xcode 4.3 is officially available I thought it would be a good time to discuss creating custom file templates. In this post I’ll explain the file template layout, structure, and syntax and then finish up by creating some custom templates to simplify building Singleton objects and generating GHUnit test cases.

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JTRevealSidebarDemo | iOS & macOS development |

A carefully implemented iOS objective-c library to mimic the sidebar layout of the new Facebook app and Path 2.0 app.

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Pegasus for iOS - Cocoa Controls

Pegasus for iOS - Cocoa Controls | iOS & macOS development |

A lightweight Objective-C framework for Cocoa Touch to create UIKit view hierarchies in XML.

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JSONKit | iOS & macOS development |

A Very High Performance Objective-C JSON Library

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ECSlidingViewController | iOS & macOS development |

ECSlidingViewController is a view controller container for iOS that presents its child view controllers in two layers. It provides functionality for sliding the top view to reveal the views underneath it. This functionality is inspired by the Path 2.0 and Facebook iPhone apps.

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YRKSpinningProgressIndicators | iOS & macOS development |

I recently noticed this question about different-colored spinning progress indicators on Stack Overflow, and finally got around to giving my answer. I’m not sure if the original question was answered satisfactorily by using a UIActivityIndicatorView, but I hope my code can be useful to someone.


I have implemented two different clones of the spinning NSProgressIndicator, which can be drawn at any size and in any color. One is a subclass of NSView, and can be used on OS X 10.4, and the other is a subclass of CALayer, and can be used in a CoreAnimation-based project on OS X 10.5, and presumably on an iPhone (though I haven’t actually tested that yet).


I put the code up on github (both the NSView-based version and the CoreAnimation-based one), under the BSD license. They each include the spinning progress indicator classes and an example app showing how they can be used. The code should be pretty straight-forward. One caveat is that they might not be super fast performance-wise, but should be good for most uses.


✔ Sources:

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Git branch management with Xcode - Blog - Use Your Loaf

Git branch management with Xcode - Blog - Use Your Loaf | iOS & macOS development |
Xcode has supported Git for version control since version 4.0 but I generally prefer to perform my version control from the command-line. The only version control operation that I do sometimes perform with Xcode is visualising ...
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TPCircularBuffer | iOS & macOS development |

A simple, fast circular buffer implementation for audio processing

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HGPageScrollView | iOS & macOS development |

HGPageScrollView - UIScrollView for iPhone with horizontal paging like mobile Safari tabs.

An extension of iOS UIScrollView that allows scrolling of multiple pages, like mobile Safari tab viewer.

HGPageScrollView uses a similar methodology to UITableView. It defines both a dataSource and a delegate, which its client can implement. At the very least HGPageScrollView expects its dataSource to provide HGPageViews to display.

Like UITableView, HGPageScrollView provides a way to improve performance by reusing pages. It maintains a queue of pages that the data source has marked for reuse. A page is marked for reuse by assigning a value to its reuseIdentifier.

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Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 1 | Ray Wenderlich

Beginning ARC in iOS 5 Tutorial Part 1 | Ray Wenderlich | iOS & macOS development |

The most disruptive change in iOS 5 is the addition of Automatic Reference Counting, or ARC for short. ARC is a feature of the new LLVM 3.0 compiler and it completely does away with the manual memory management that all iOS developers love to hate.

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Touchpose | iOS & macOS development |
Touchpose - Touchposé is a set of classes for iOS that renders screen touches when a device is connected to a mirrored display.
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Scribbler | iOS & macOS development |

Scribbler is a Cocoa framework for by {13bold}. Drawing on inspiration from (the failure of) the LFScrobbler framework, Scribbler aims to solve many of the connectivity and stability issues exhibited by the old framework, while adding new features, like the ability to Love and Ban tracks.

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How to use Custom UIButton Graphics for iPhone Applications

How to use Custom UIButton Graphics for iPhone Applications | iOS & macOS development |

In this tutorial I’d like to show you a simple way to implement your own custom button graphics. I’ll be using the latest Xcode 4.2 release and building an application in iOS5. You do not need to understand Objective-C but it certainly doesn’t hurt the process. When building iPhone apps you’ll eventually have to deal with code so Objective-C should be something to embrace!

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JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo for iOS - Cocoa Controls

JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo for iOS - Cocoa Controls | iOS & macOS development |

Recreating the buttonless interaction pattern found in Clear for iPhone app.

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User Interface Customization in iOS 5 | Ray Wenderlich

User Interface Customization in iOS 5 | Ray Wenderlich | iOS & macOS development |
To be successful on the App Store, your app needs to stand out. The vanilla user-interface “look and feel” provided by Apple just doesn’t cut it any more in a crowded market.

Many of the most popular apps on the App Store present standard iOS UI elements in a non-standard fashion:
Twitter employs a custom UITabBar
Instagram uses both a custom UITabBar and a custom UINavigationBar
Epicurious for iPad customizes elements of the standard split-view interface

Prior to iOS 5, many developers had to take somewhat unconventional approaches to achieve these results. Although subclassing and overriding drawRect: was the recommended approach, many resorted to the dreaded “method swizzling”.
But with iOS 5, those dark days are over! iOS 5 has included many new APIs you can use to easily customize the appearance of various UIKit controls.

To illustrate some of these new APIs, in this tutorial we’re going to take a “plain vanilla” app about surfing trips and customize the UI to get a more “beach-themed” look-and-feel.

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SNRHUDKit: 100% code-drawn, resolution independent HUD controls for AppKit

SNRHUDKit: 100% code-drawn, resolution independent HUD controls for AppKit | iOS & macOS development |

SNRHUDKit is a framework that brings missing HUD controls and interface elements to AppKit.


All of the controls are fully compatible with OS X 10.6 and 10.7.

Each of the NSControl subclasses are completely independent (aside from a few categories) so you are free to pick and choose the controls you need instead of using the entire framework.

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Fun with Objective-C

Cool and crazy things you can do with Objective-C and the Cocoa/Cocoa Touch frameworks.
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StackKit | iOS & macOS development |

StackKit is a Cocoa framework used to interact with the Stack Exchange API (used by Stack Overflow, Super User, Server Fault, Stack Exchange, and related websites).

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Cocoa Samurai: A Guide to Blocks & Grand Central Dispatch (and the Cocoa API's making use of them)

Cocoa Samurai: A Guide to Blocks & Grand Central Dispatch (and the Cocoa API's making use of them) | iOS & macOS development |

Intro As you may or may not know I recently did a talk at the Des Moines Cocoaheads in which I reviewed Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch. I have tried to capture the content of that talk and a lot more here in this article.

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