Cryptoparty4kids – Summer Edition  - Luxembourg - European Commission | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Cryptoparty4kids – Summer Edition

Do not miss the next Cryptoparty4kids organized by SECURITYMADEIN.LU for children from 8 years old to 12 years old where they will discover the field of information security through playful workshops. The goal is to help children understand information security in a light and entertaining way. (The session will be carried out in EN and FR)
Friday, 29 July, 2016 14:00 to 16:00
Centre d’information européen - Maison de l’Union européenne: 7, rue du Marché-aux-Herbes - Luxembourg
Here are the workshops which will be given during this afternoon:
An introduction to computer networks (what is the Internet? How does it work?)
An introduction to security and cryptography
Many good advices to browse in a secure way
The Cryptoparty4kids spirit is to introduce these topics to kids in a funny and playful manner! The goal is to help children understand information security in a light and entertaining way.

No secific prior skills are required.


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