EU Innovation Scoreboard: Luxembourg first for ‘Attractive research systems’ | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Luxembourg is ranked as a ‘Strong Innovator’ in the EU Commission’s 2019 European Innovation Scoreboard. For the second year running, Luxembourg ranks 1st for ‘Attractive research systems’. This underlines the considerable development of the young Luxembourgish research and innovation ecosystem, and is an important recognition of the country’s continuous efforts to develop a world-class R&I landscape.
Considerable progress has been made in Luxembourg by successive governments leading to a doubling of investments in research, development and innovation in the last decade. The report, published Monday, 17 June, states that “Attractive research systems, Intellectual assets and Innovators are the
strongest innovation dimensions. Luxembourg scores particularly well on Foreign doctorate students, Trademark applications, and International scientific co-publications”.

The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) has been one of the key drivers to establish Luxembourg as a leading knowledge-based society through science, research and innovation. Our unrelenting efforts to setup a world-class public research system that generates societal and economic impact in key strategic areas are bearing fruit.


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