Holocaust Education Centre to Open at Cinqfontaines Abbey in 2022 | #Luxembourg #Europe #History #WWII | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it

Luxembourg's Ministry of State and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth have announced that a Holocaust education centre will open its doors at the Abbey of Cinqfontaines next year.

During a ceremony held at the abbey on Sunday in memory of the nearly 300 Jews who were interned there before their deportation, Luxembourg's Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, announced the opening of a centre for citizenship education and remembrance of the victims of the Shoah (also known as the Holocaust) in 2022.

During the Second World War, the former Abbey of Cinqfontaines was requisitioned and used in Luxembourg as a place of internment for Jews. Internment in appalling living conditions preceded deportation to Nazi concentration and extermination camps such as Theresienstadt and Auschwitz.


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