Typography is an art, just as much as it is a way of creatingwords. Thisinteresting info graphic from Tumblr explainsthe art of combining fonts in your typographiccompositions.
Eachimage in the info graphic showshow to combinedifferent fonts based on specificattributes. More importantly, itshowshow to add a layer of meaning to your textsusing a combination of font styles, sizes, andalignment. Ifyou'reinterested in graphicdesignor typography, this is a referenceguideyou should take a look at.
If you want to get better at drawing the female torso, make sure you take a look at this reference guide. It contains great sketches to help you gain a better understanding of the anatomy.
If you're confused about which logo format you should use for your next project, check out this reference guide. It explains everything you need to know about each format.
Typography is an art, just as much as it is a way of creating words. This interesting info graphic from Tumblr explains the art of combining fonts in your typographic compositions.
Each image in the info graphic shows how to combine different fonts based on specific attributes. More importantly, it shows how to add a layer of meaning to your texts using a combination of font styles, sizes, and alignment. If you're interested in graphic design or typography, this is a reference guide you should take a look at.