Thisdetailed tutorial is part of a two partseries of tutorials aimed at teachingyousome of thebasicconcepts of digital art. Thisparticular tutorial explainsconceptssuch as lighting, sketching, shadows, andaddingcolor to digital paintings. You can check out part 2 to continue with the rest of the tutorial.
If you want to get better at drawing the female torso, make sure you take a look at this reference guide. It contains great sketches to help you gain a better understanding of the anatomy.
If you're confused about which logo format you should use for your next project, check out this reference guide. It explains everything you need to know about each format.
This detailed tutorial is part of a two part series of tutorials aimed at teaching you some of the basic concepts of digital art. This particular tutorial explains concepts such as lighting, sketching, shadows, and adding color to digital paintings. You can check out part 2 to continue with the rest of the tutorial.