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Scooped by Hans van der Meulen!

Wat zijn in 2021 de beste tijdstippen om te posten op social media?

Wat zijn in 2021 de beste tijdstippen om te posten op social media? | Online Marketing - Nederland |

Wat is de beste tijd om te posten op Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube en LinkedIn? Hoewel timing slechts één factor is in het succes van social media posts, blijft dit een vraag die marketeers en social media managers bezighoudt.


Advies van Coosto blijft hetzelfde als vorig jaar: blijf testen en ervaar zelf welke tijden en dagen jou veel views, clicks en comments opleveren. Om je daarvoor een startpunt te kunnen geven, hebben we ook dit jaar geanalyseerd welke tijden over de hele linie de meeste engagement opleveren.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Onze dagindeling is veranderd door de C pandemie, Coosto heeft uitgezocht wat voor effect het heeft op het "posten" van content op de grote social platformen. Op welke tijdstippen is er het meeste online interactie?

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How social media influence 71% consumer buying decisions

How social media influence 71% consumer buying decisions | Online Marketing - Nederland |
  • Due to the rise of online shopping and the amount of time people spend on social media, social media impacts consumer buying decisions;
  • Consumers who are influenced by social media are four times more likely to spend more on purchases;
  • There are four ways in which social media has a direct influence on purchase decisions;
  • Social media and online shopping shortened the customer journey;
  • Social media amplified the impact of social proof or word-of-mouth;
  • Social media influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience;
  • Stories and ephemeral content are a new way to connect to your audience;
  • Every social media platform is different and can be useful for different goals.
Hans van der Meulen's insight:

De impact van de social media platformen op het aankoopproces van consumenten wordt steeds duidelijker. Verplicht leesvoer voor elke marketeer.

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TikTok vs. Snapchat: A guide for marketers

TikTok vs. Snapchat: A guide for marketers | Online Marketing - Nederland |

What it is.

TikTok is a rapidly growing video-sharing app that launched in 2017 by Chinese tech company ByteDance. In October 2018, TikTok was the most downloaded app in the U.S. and reached a record 1.5 billion downloads globally at the end of 2019.


How it’s used.

Users create and post short, looping videos set to TikTok’s massive library of music and sound bites – often with humor or talent as the focal point. TikTok isn’t necessarily the place for serious life updates or connecting with friends. Instead, users rely on TikTok for entertainment and follow creators with quality content. Common TikTok videos include choreographed dances, lip-syncing, hashtag challenges, reaction videos, and cringe-worthy content.



The app has rapidly become a Gen-Z favorite, with 42% of users between ages 13-16 actively using the app. Users create and post short, looping videos set to TikTok’s massive library of music and sound bites – often with humor or talent as the focal point.


Hans van der Meulen's insight:

OK Boomer, wat zijn de verschillen tussen Snapchat en TikTok? Leerzaam overzicht voor marketeers gericht op de jeugd en jongvolwassenen als doelgroep.

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9 socialmedia-trends die 2020 gaan domineren

9 socialmedia-trends die 2020 gaan domineren | Online Marketing - Nederland |

1. TikTok als uitdager;
2. Creatieve content bovenaan de agenda;
3. Focus bedrijven ook naar stories;
4. Private is de nieuwe default;
5. Socialmedia-platformen als publishers;
6. Social media in gaming;
7. Grote influencers in het nauw;
8. AR gaat mainstream in social media;
9. Lokalisering van content en campagnes.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Druk bezig met jouw marketing plan voor 2020? Dit zijn 9 social media trends waar je rekening mee moet houden...

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The anatomy of a U.S. adult Twitter user in 2019 (and how marketers can use the information)

The anatomy of a U.S. adult Twitter user in 2019 (and how marketers can use the information) | Online Marketing - Nederland |

* The median age of adult U.S. Twitter users is 40 versus 47 for U.S. adults as a whole;
* 42% of Twitter users have at least a bachelor’s degree (versus 21% of U.S. adults);
* 41% of Twitter users have a household income above $75,000 (versus 32% of U.S. adults);

* 50% of Twitter users are women versus 52% of all U.S. adults;
^ 50% of Twitter users are men versus 48% of all U.S. adults;
* 11% of Twitter users are black, correlating with all U.S. adults;
* 60% of Twitter users are white versus 64% for all U.S. adults;
* 17% of Twitter users are Hispanic versus 15% of all U.S. adults.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Hoe ziet de gemiddelde Twitter gebruiker er uit In Amerika? 80% van de tweets komen in ieder geval van 10% van de gebruikers...

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Eight social media trends that will make 2019

Eight social media trends that will make 2019 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

1. Social listening;

2. Buying on social;

3. Transparency;

4. Live streaming;

5. Private communities;

6. Messaging;

7. Personalization;

8. Augmented reality (AR).

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Social media is zakelijk inmiddels onmisbaar, 8 relevante trends waar je dit jaar rekening mee moet houden...



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Social Media Marketing 101

Social Media Marketing 101 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

Your customers, like most people on planet earth, are on social media 24/7. They’re looking at family photos, chatting with friends, and yes, they’re even looking for products to purchase as well.


After all, the average person spends well over an hour a day on social media. If current trends continue, that will add up to over 5 YEARS of time spent on social media over the course of a lifetime.


This is a marketing opportunity that everyone needs to take full advantage of.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Handig, uitgebreid overzicht van alle social media. Welke platformen passen bij jouw (zakelijke) doelgroepen en hoe kun je deze effectief inzetten? Aanrader!

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De psychologie achter Vero..

De psychologie achter Vero.. | Online Marketing - Nederland |

En op op mijn initiële vraag terug te komen: Is Vero de oplossing voor de toenemende onvrede, FOMO, verslaving, zelfperceptie, onzekerheid en negatieve sociale vergelijking?


Ik denk het niet. Ik denk dat positieve zelfpresentatie (de oorzaak van bijvoorbeeld onzekerheid en negatieve sociale vergelijking) een neiging is die overal terugkomt, zowel online als offline. Dus ook in Vero.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Gaat Vero het nieuwe social platform worden? Als USP dat er geen advertenties op staan en jouw data niet wordt verhuurd aan het bedrijfsleven. @mcoster heeft een eerste analyse gemaakt.

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Pinterest Predicts 2021

Pinterest Predicts 2021 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

More than 400 million people use Pinterest to find tomorrow’s ideas. It’s a place to look forward. That means we know what's going to be big in the future, even when it seems really small in the present.


In fact, 8 out of 10 of Pinterest’s predictions for 2020 came true—despite it being the least predictable year in history.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Pinterest heeft een leerzaam overzicht gemaakt van de laatste visuele trends (gebaseerd op de meer dan 400 miljoen gebruikers van hun platform).

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Top six reasons you should caption your social media video content

Top six reasons you should caption your social media video content | Online Marketing - Nederland |

1. Google can’t watch videos, but it can crawl captions;

2. Video captions drive more social engagement;

3. A lot of people don’t (or can’t) turn on video sound;

4. Captions boost comprehension, memory, and attention;

5. Captions make videos more inclusive and accessible;

6. Most of your viewers likely live outside of your country of origin.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Zakelijk ook gestart met video marketing? Let dan op deze 6 aandachtspunten over het belang van titels en ondertiteling...

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The 5 Most Important Social Media Trends to Watch for in 2020

The 5 Most Important Social Media Trends to Watch for in 2020 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

Top 5 social media trends for 2020

1. Brands strike a balance between public and private engagement;
2. Employers take center stage in a divided world;
3. TikTok shakes up the status quo;
4. Social marketing and performance marketing collide;
5. The social attribution gap closes...

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Bezig met social media marketing? Hootsuite heeft 5 relevante inzichten voor 2020...

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Google's taking another crack at building a social network

Google's taking another crack at building a social network | Online Marketing - Nederland |

After shutting down failed Google+ in April, the big G is giving this social network thing another go. It’s currently trialing Shoelace, a hyperlocal network for people who want to find others to join them in activities like sports and attending shows.


It’s currently invite-only, and promises to help you “connect with others who have the same interests.”. You can create a listing for an event or activity you’re participating in, and invite friends and strangers to join you. In addition, Shoelace will surface events that you might be into.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Google geeft niet op en is (voorzichtig) gestart met Shoelace, een 'hyperlocal network'. Hopelijk hebben ze veel geleerd van Google+ en Wave...

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Research: How the human body can predict what makes content go viral

Research: How the human body can predict what makes content go viral | Online Marketing - Nederland |

What this means for content marketing’s future

Thanks to modern developments, you can now integrate new and innovative technologies into your market research. By introducing technologies that track biometrics like galvanic skin response, eye tracking, and EEG, previously unattainable insights related to creating viral content can be learned and repeated in the future.


Neurometrics help us get a clearer view into the minds of digital content consumers, helping us to predict what makes content go viral. This type of consumer research that measures electrodermal response can help predict whether your content ideas and stories will reach your target audience and inspire those people to hit that share button.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Fascinerend! Influencers en bedrijven willen dolgraag dat hun verhaal 'viral' gaat. Blijkbaar kan onze huid (jawel) voorspellen welke content wel of niet viral gaat...

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The 2019 Marketing Benchmarks Cheat Sheet

The 2019 Marketing Benchmarks Cheat Sheet | Online Marketing - Nederland |

In 2019, we are going to hear many marketers say “SEO is dead.” But, believe it or not, SEO is 5.66 times better than paid search ads, and 70 to 80 percent of search engine users focus solely on organic results.


One way to improve your SEO is to include videos. In fact, if you include a video in a post, you can increase your organic traffic from search results by 157 percent.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Interessant overzicht van een aantal online marketing benchmarks, prima uitgangspunt voor jouw eigen plan (maar blijf kritisch, per branche kunnen de criteria behoorlijk verschillen).

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Top social media trends for 2019

Top social media trends for 2019 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

1. Messaging will grow even more;

2. Data breaches make trust more important than ever;

3. Narrowing down the focus on specific channels;

4. The ad spend is increasing but you’ll need to consider ad saturation;

5. Videos, podcasts, and live streaming;

6. AR to become more mainstream.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Op welke social media trends moet je letten in 2019? De groei van video en ook 'podcasts' lijkt in ieder geval niet te stoppen...

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The Top Social Media Trends In 2017

The Top Social Media Trends In 2017 | Online Marketing - Nederland |

Obviously, it’s up to each individual marketer to decide what social media trends are worth trying and implementing for their business or brand.


They are all worthwhile in their own right, but don’t try to chase all of them or you’ll end up doing too much.


To be a successful social media manager, you have to understand your audience’s needs and give them what they actually desire.

Hans van der Meulen's insight:

Wat zijn de laatste ontwikkelingen en trends binnen social media?

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